Download Game Cute The Rope

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Home of all Cut the Rope games! Download, play online, shop for toys, watch cartoons and get to know Om Nom here. Cut the Rope games have been downloaded more than one billion times by users around the world since the first game's debut in October 2010. The company has also released King of Thieves, a massive multiplayer mobile title with more than 50 million downloads so far, as well as Pudding Monsters and My Om Nom games. Om Nom’s adventures continue in Cut the Rope 2, a scrumptious arcade game sequel full of brand new missions and striking obstacles! Let the journey begin: collecting candies has become even more challenging! This time, you’ll have to show your paces if you don’t want to disappoint the cute green monster. With Cut the Rope, you will find one of the most charming and original puzzle games to ever come out in recent years. There is a lot of fun and quirky physics-based gameplay to be had, the puzzles are challenging yet still intuitive, and the controls are highly immersive. Cut the rope free download - the rope cut, the rope cut, Cut the Rope, and many more programs. Cut rope is beautiful game to cut the rope with help of bow and arrow. Cut the Rope, Sometimes there's just no alternative: you have to cut the rope. Cute Pup Rescue. Deal or No Deal. My Dolphin Show 8. Bike Racing 2. My Dolphin Show 7. This infinite source of games will without a doubt have you coming back for more gaming fun. Enjoy a myriad of games from action-packed shooters, speed-of-light defying.

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Maneuver Treats in the Most Hilariously Roundabout Ways with this Physics-Based Puzzler!

Categories/Tags: cut the rope seriesphysicspuzzle

  • What's Free - Play game for 100 minutes.
  • File Size - 25 MB
  • Play It On - Win XP/Vista/7
  • Support - Cut the Rope Support
  • Game Created By - ZeptoLab

Game Description

Feed the Monster

It seems like you must have gotten into somebody’s good graces because a mysterious package has just shown up on your doorstep. What does it contain? An adorable little monster named Om Nom of course!

Just like anyone else in this world, the little guy has quite an appetite, and he needs your help in sating it. Tasty sugary treats hang on a variety of ropes just outside of his reach. It’s your job to guide them into his waiting jaws.

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How can you pull off such a task? You must cut the ropes! Release the candy from its bindings, swing it from string to string, throw it in the air, and bring it straight to Om Nom. Keep your wits about you, and you’ll be rewarded with a very happy monster. If you fail, then you must face the consequences of seeing his tear-jerking sad face.

A Rube Goldberg Puzzler

Download Game Cute The Rope Full

You would think feeding someone as adorable as Om Nom would be as simple as just putting a treat into his mouth, but nothing is ever as easy as that in Cut the Rope. Getting him that candy is always going to be an outrageous process. You can’t directly touch the candy after all. You must move the treat by altering the environment, using gravity to your advantage, and utilizing the items scattered all over the world. Only then will you earn the affection of your pet.

  • Swing and cut the ropes when the time is right to bring the candy one step closer to Om Nom.
  • Encase candy in a bubble to make it rise high in the air. Pop the bubble to drop it back down.
  • Use a variety of air-blowing devices to move the candy in the right direction.
  • Guide the treat into the dotted circles to magically attach a new rope to it.
  • Bounce the candy on and off of bumpers like a pinball.
  • Don’t drop the candy! Not even Om Nom will eat off the floor.

Reach for the Stars!

Feeding Om Nom and making him happy is the name of the game. However, that’s only the bare minimum. Every level is assigned a grade based on stars. If you want to get the best possible results, then you’ll have to go the extra mile.

  • Move the candy into the three stars that are scattered around the level to improve your rating.
  • Be sure to feed Om Nom as well. Failure to do so resets the entire level, stars and all.
  • Collect stars to unlock bigger and more challenging levels.

Download Game Cute The Rope Game

Avoid the Obstacles

Gravity is a harsh mistress, but she’s not the only thing working against you. Every level is riddled with all sorts of hazards. They may not pose any threat to you or your new pet, but they will ensure that he goes hungry and becomes sad. Don’t let that happen!

  • Keep the candy away from the spikes! Otherwise, it will shatter into a million pieces and Om Nom won’t get his treat.
  • Beware of the spiders. They have a taste for sugar as well and will crawl along the ropes you swing the candy from to get it. Cut the ropes before they get that chance.
  • Bubbles can be your enemies just as often as they are your friends. If a bubble floats off the screen with your candy in tow, then it will be lost forever.
  • Stay away from electrical currents. Om Nom doesn’t have the taste for fried food.

Overloaded with Sweetness

With Cut the Rope, you will find one of the most charming and original puzzle games to ever come out in recent years. There is a lot of fun and quirky physics-based gameplay to be had, the puzzles are challenging yet still intuitive, and the controls are highly immersive.

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Most of all, everything is wrapped up with whimsical cartoon visuals, and Om Nom is just too cute for anyone to resist! Take him with you on the mobile device of your choice and cut the ropes today!

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Cut the Rope

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