Free Download Eclipse Indigo Software For Windows 7 64 Bit

I have used Indigo Java (not Java EE) and the maven plugin is already installed. Or at least, I know I have the possibility to import a Maven Project without installing anything.

  1. Free Download Eclipse Indigo Software For Windows 7 64 Bit Version

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But then I wanted to use Eclipse Indigo for Java EE developers. This version does not have maven already installed. I can not import a maven project. So I decided to install the m2e plugin.

And I have tried to install it many different ways (information on theses sites):

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I also tried to use the Eclispe market place for the installation of the plugins. The installation process does not fail. But the Maven menu in import and Windows->Preference does not appear inside Indigo Java EE?

NB: I am running Windows 7, 64 bit edition

Arjan Tijms
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5 Answers

Here's what I did in Indigo.

Go to Help>>Install New Software


Paste the below URL over there

You will see a list below. From the list expand 'Collaboration' and you can see m2e - maven integration for eclipse.

select that and click next. Got one error in between but it's working now.


This software repository,, provides access to the software for the Eclipse indigo release. It contains code from the release, June 2011, and SR1, September 2011 and SR2, February 2012.

The repository site URL is typically pre-populated in the list of software repositories when you install the Eclipse Platform or SDK.

For more information about installing or updating software, see the Eclipse Platform Help.

There is also a collection of handy, downloadable all-in-one zip files available for many interests and platforms. Many people find these all-in-one packages the easiest way to get started.


I,m using Eclipse INDIGO. try this link. It works for me.

Damith GanegodaDamith Ganegoda
1,9644 gold badges26 silver badges41 bronze badges


Go to Help>>Install New Software

Paste the below URL over there

You will see a list below. From the list expand 'Collaboration' and you can see m2e - maven integration for eclipse.

select that and click next. Got one error in between but it's working now.

Papa Thierno DiopPapa Thierno Diop worked foe me. You will see a list below. From the list expand 'Collaboration' and you can see m2e - maven integration for eclipse.eclipse Indigo : Build id: 20110615-0604


protected by Peter CordesSep 22 '17 at 17:15

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Free Download Eclipse Indigo Software For Windows 7 64 Bit Version

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